Jesus Christ I love this, keep it up, you are super good with music! This is fluent, it has rhythm, and made my ears want more
Jesus Christ I love this, keep it up, you are super good with music! This is fluent, it has rhythm, and made my ears want more
Feels great to hear that. Thank you so much!
Lol XD you actually did this now “jamDW” needs to make a song about you XD
Noice, why jamdw tho? :(
Yo it’s frenzy, bombing imo XD this needs a little more snare and non repetitive parts, good anyway XD
:D :O
Fricking MIND-EXPLODED, I, I’m speechless, I love the tune!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! this song, like bruh this is amazing
L o v e. I t. E v e n. T h o It’s late :/
Joined on 2/6/20